Armenian language

The Armenian language can rightly be considered a unique language. This language belongs to the Eastern group of the Indo-European language family and has many similarities with the Slavic, Indo-Iranian and Baltic languages. The geographic location of the country explains the similarity of the Armenian language to several Western and Indo-European languages. The Armenian language … Read moreArmenian language

Orphan languages

Languages ​​that are not genetically related. Perhaps you grew up surrounded by a family – close and distant relatives. By analogy with our family relationships, many languages ​​of the world are united in families. However, it happens that a person has no relatives and translate english to tagalog correct grammar at all. It is quite … Read moreOrphan languages

Urgent notarized translation of documents and its differences

Regular notarized translation of documents, carried out in a standard mode, is an integral part of the document legalization process. Regular notarized translation of documents, carried out in a standard mode, is an integral part of the document legalization process. More and more often it is required by citizens to resolve cases abroad. These include: … Read moreUrgent notarized translation of documents and its differences

Features of translation of economic texts

The economies of the world powers are more and more integrated into each other every year. Almost all countries of the world enter into trade and exchange relations with each other, investment in international projects is supported, and a system of business lending and insurance is developing. Document flow of economic and financial projects, business … Read moreFeatures of translation of economic texts

Features of economic translation

International business in our country has been expanding and strengthening for many decades in a row. Joint trade and production enterprises are being established with foreign countries, mediation and consulting services are provided. There is an exchange of labor. Business transactions, regardless of the scope of cooperation, are accompanied by the appearance of documentation. To … Read moreFeatures of economic translation