Urgent notarized translation of documents and its differences

Regular notarized translation of documents, carried out in a standard mode, is an integral part of the document legalization process.

Regular notarized translation of documents, carried out in a standard mode, is an integral part of the document legalization process. More and more often it is required by citizens to resolve cases abroad.

These include:


Notary stamps signed contract in his notary’s office

doing business with foreign partners, buyers, etc.
any other tasks to expand international relations.
Urgent notarized translation of documents is an accelerated process of translation of official papers from one language into another with certification by a notary. It is also necessary in the process of legalizing documents. The only difference is in the timing of the task.

This procedure generally means the certification by an official authorized person of the identity and qualifications of the translator. This confirms the quality of the professional translation performed.

As a rule, notarization of a translation is one of the parts of the document legalization procedure in order to be able to use it abroad. Despite the fact that the procedure seems simple at first glance, many who are faced with this task have many questions.

Is it obligatory to certify the translation with a notary?
According to the established international agreements and current regulatory documents, notarization of the translation made is not a mandatory procedure in all cases. However, the need to pass it is influenced by many factors, namely:

type of document, legalized by affixing the stamp “Apostille” or at the consulate;
the state for which this procedure is performed;
the purpose of filing a document with a foreign authority.
The clause about the obligation and urgency of a notarized translation is usually spelled out in regulations governing specific sectors of the economy and law. For some organizations, it is enough to certify the correctness of the translation with the seal of a professional translation agency.

At the same time, the certification procedure itself takes a minimum of time and is quite affordable. Only on condition that the work is performed by a qualified specialist with all the necessary tolerances.

Can a notary refuse to certify a document?
Yes, and even when ordering an urgent notarized translation, an authorized official may refuse to certify the document. Therefore, we recommend that you check all papers in advance and prepare them in proper form.

The reason for the refusal may be:

If there are any damages or corrections on the document, it is necessary to obtain a duplicate in the original language. Then translate it and certify it with a notary.

the notary’s doubts about the qualifications of the translator. It may not have been provided with any documents confirming the education or experience of the specialist. It is important to understand that the notary does not know a foreign language and does not check the content of the translation. He does not certify the translation itself, but the competence of the specialist who carried it out. Thus, the quality of the translation is also indirectly confirmed. That is why the qualifications of a translator must be necessarily documented.
In this regard, a translation made independently, for example, in an online translator, cannot be certified. You should not order it from an unknown freelancer by ad, without confirming his qualifications. In this case, the likelihood of failure is also high. In general, for the notarized translation of documents, we recommend contacting specialized bureaus.
the presence of errors, corrections, typos and other defects on the document that impede the perception of the text.
violation of the integrity of the document. Especially if there is damage, due to which any important data is not visible (numbers, dates, seals, stamps, signatures, etc.).
If your documents do not pass preliminary legalization in the right way, then there are many risks. For example, customs officers may detain a cargo or your documents may not pass the check, therefore, you will not be able to get approval for the process for which they were prepared. In order not to face such troubles, we recommend that you prepare in advance.