Features of translation of economic texts

The economies of the world powers are more and more integrated into each other every year. Almost all countries of the world enter into trade and exchange relations with each other, investment in international projects is supported, and a system of business lending and insurance is developing.

Document flow of economic and financial projects, business communication in the economic sphere, research and analytical activities give rise to a demand for economic translation, which has its own characteristics:

Specific terminology. Each area of ​​translation services requires specific, highly specialized knowledge. A translator of economic texts should have an understanding of various segments of the economy, understand the trends of its development. In addition to linguistic knowledge, economic education is encouraged.

Economic texts, as a rule, are full of definitions and terms, contain a large number of numbers. The translation of such “dry” texts is rather difficult. It is necessary to preserve the relationship between numbers and concepts, convey the exact meaning of the text, exclude the substitution and ambiguity of concepts. The content should be clear, concise, clear, logically structured. In a certain sense – strict and formal. These characteristic features are inherent in the oral speech of this area.

The presence of abbreviations, abbreviations, “omission” of articles, not always a standard and consistent manner of presentation. All abbreviations in the translated text are deciphered in accordance with generally accepted concepts. Help systems and dictionaries are used to understand the conventions.

A large number in the texts of the names of institutions, units and departments of organizations, positions and titles of officials that are subject to translation.

Wide use of phraseological equivalents of the word and the ambiguity of terms. Polysemous words and expressions used in a foreign text into Russian can be translated only in context. To obtain an adequate translation and concretize the information that needs to be conveyed to the reader or listener, such techniques are actively used as: compensation, addition, omission, descriptive translation.
Most often, the translation of economic texts is required by businessmen, students of economic specialties of universities, scientific specialists engaged in research in the field of economics, heads of enterprises cooperating with foreign companies.

Companies operating internationally often use the services of interpreters to negotiate and negotiate transactions. It can be an economic translation of business plans, contracts, agreements, audit reports. A translator providing simultaneous interpreting in business negotiations requires significant experience and perfect language skills.

The success of an enterprise can literally depend on the correctness of the translation. Only professional translators who can guarantee a high-quality result should be trusted to translate economic texts.